Chapottin Calls
Future Forward for Haiti’s travel team is eager to return as soon as possible to see for ourselves this grand new school, enlarged and finished since our last visit. The building began as a “pile of sand and a prayer” as you can see from the first photos below.
To get to there,
we drive through the beautiful Forest of Pines National Preserve and into rich farm land--often owned by people who live in Port au Prince or even across the border. Landowners instill such fear in local people that we see severe malnutrition in this beautiful, lush area. We occasionally hear of parents taking their children across the border when life becomes unmanageable in Chapottin.
Finished 2019
Can’t wait to see it!
Since 2013,
when members and friends of Christ Episcopal Church in Teaneck began working with the Chapottin school, enrollment has increased from 60 to 230 students. Teachers now receive regular salaries, students enjoy school lunches produced by Teaneck Packathon for Haiti, faithful attendance enables academic achievement. This Light and Peace School graduated its first three students in June 2017!
The whole community is better off!
In addition to changes in the school, Future Forward for Haiti has also financed the building of a 22,860 gallon cistern which collects and stores rainwater directed off the church roof. Community members use jerry cans to take filtered water for drinking and all their home needs. Children also benefit from the boys and girls rooms built near the school.
When we visit, we like to photograph each student and treat them to a dental exam and fluoride treatment. One of our team members generally does some lab science experiments for each grade. Lately, our team has also brought lumber and trained local men to build the bench/desks students use school. We love building partnership in all these ways. The school in Chapottin needs more school sponsors to provide ongoing support for teacher salaries. Enrollment just keeps growing!. Would you help?