Our Team of Directors


Jennifer Hall– President of Future Forward for Haiti, and teacher of Special Education, Jennifer started by collecting legos with Dr. Joyce Baynes at Christ Church, demonstrating in Sunday school to children the importance of helping less fortunate children in Trois Mares. Because of her leadership, Future Forward for Haiti grew to embrace the community of Chapottin as well as Trois Mares and started our pattern of growth. She has visited Haiti with our travel team five times, doing everything! Jenn has served on the board since Future Forward for Haiti incorporated in 2014.  She loves the people of Haiti – their resilience and their faith.

Sue Papera first visited Haiti in 2008 with our team. Right away, she picked up on the request in Trois Mare for a cistern to collect rain water for the community. Sue has been associated with the Teaneck Packathon since 2013. She and Kaitlin will lead the Packathon again this year as they did in 2023, raising money and organizing the day to include diverse people from all walks of life, including children, families, sororities, sports teams. the food goes to the Haitian communities of both Trois Mares and Chapottin.

Joyce F. Baynes, Ed.D. has been involved with Future Forward for Haiti and its predecessor for over 12 years.She is a retired educator who loves to bring out the best in children. Her primary area of study was mathematics and she continues to believe that  ALL children are capable of excelling in that area, regardless of their circumstance. Her passion for the Haitian people also stems from the fact that they are our neighbors who have been suffering from corruption, racism, and violence for many years. Joyce wants to help them in any way she can.

Dawn Powell Douglas visited Haiti with Jenn and Kaitlin and treasures the diary she wrote on that trip. Dawn’s commitment to Teaneck Packathon was fully demonstrated years ago when her grandson became the Bergen Record’s poster child for our event. She is glad to see so many people involved.  The Haiti Project is really near and dear to her.

Deborah Frisby has served as our Secretary for six years. She also directs registration for Teaneck Packathon for Haiti.   Deborah is retired, but has always had a keen interest in the well-being of children.   She was a preschool teacher and parent involvement specialist in her younger years.  She also is very aware of the challenges faced by previously colonized developing nations. By working with FFH she hopes to, in a small way, have a positive impact on Haiti’s children and future.

Huntley Skinner – I am a retired LICSW clinical social worker who has worked with children and women. Presently Chair of our community’s Afffordable Housing Trust as well as a board member for FFFH. I have a deep commitment to children and families and their basic needs of food, shelter, and education. I see these as the building blocks for a successful life.  These needs are ever present in the children and families we serve in Haiti and fuel my commitment to advocate and provide  for mind, body and soul nourishment  in Haiti.

Grace Chmura - I have a heart for children! I have directed Christ Church Parish Day School for 18 years and work with a wonderful group of 17 teachers and 70 preschool children. I have been involved on numerous boards and organizations raising money for scholarships and supporting educational endeavors, including the H-W Education Fund, Cutler School Friends, GCTS Women's Council, CCPDS Board and Early Childhood Partners Board and have recently joined the Future Forward for Haiti Board after participating in many packathons and events to raise funds for the children in Haiti.  I am married and have three grown children and a sweet little dog named Bella.  I am an avid hiker and skier and love anything outdoors.

Alison Violano served the Teaneck community for 26 years in Children’s Library Services. She also volunteered in packathons there and helped in registration for many years before joining the board of Future Forward for Haiti.

Board Treasurer Bert Mineral’s Future Forward work includes 2 trips with the Travel Team to Haiti, 9 packathons, and 7 years as board member and treasurer.  In Haiti he demonstrates science experiments for the school children, directs construction of school benches and desks with local Haitian men, and collects info from the school children, teachers and administrators on their needs.  He loves to see the faith and hope of Haitian people in light of the many continuous obstacles they face each day.  One important aspect of Future Forward for Haiti’s work is how far our money goes in building schools, paying teachers and feeding the school children in this poor Caribbean country. Recently retired, his career as an R&D analytical chemist included work in laboratories in contract testing, food and pharmaceutical industries.

Kay Roseen‘s first trip to Haiti was in 2007. In 2008 a father asked her to bring his son to the States to raise.  Unable to fulfill his request, she promised to work to make Haiti a better place to raise children. She and Dr. Joyce Baynes worked together, starting with partnerships between American and Haitian churches In 2013, they spearheaded the first Teaneck Packathon for Haiti and founded Future Forward for Haiti as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2015 with Kay as president until 2024. !n 2019, Kay moved to Montana and started a packathon there.

Kaitlin Shinholster – I joined the Haiti travel team and went to Haiti in 2018 and the trip was such an eye opener. Getting the chance to actually see our organization's work in person and how grateful and hopeful the Haitian people are let me appreciate what I have and the need to pay it foward. I was introduced to the Packathon through my involvement with Grace Lutheran Church and have attended and volunteered at m any Packathons since then. I currently co-chair Teaneck Packathon.

John Hulbrock